small updates on my OpenBSD 4.4 configuration

First, I googled on how to start daemons that are not part of the standard install. Surprisingly, it's not that hard. You only need to edit `/etc/rc.local'.

In my case, I wanted to run dnsmasq on boot, so I added the following in `/etc/rc.local'

if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq ]; then
echo -n ' dnsmasq'; /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq

Second, I noticed that `/etc/dhcpd.interfaces' no longer existed in OpenBSD 4.4 (this used to contain the interfaces you want your dhcp server to listen to). So, instead of using that file, I added the interface name as a flag in `dhcpd_flags`.

My `/etc/rc.conf.local' now contains this entry


Well this is it for now... these are just small details but I just want to note them down.

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